Sunday, January 8, 2012

Is it possible to have my rat turned into a diamond?

I have read about places like Life-Gem, that can turn the remains of a loved one into a diamond. I never want to loose my Jasper, so I would like to turn him into a diamond. Is this even possible for me to accomplish? If so, roughly how much will it cost me?|||Well, yes you can. Is Jasper dead already? ( BTW- I LOVE the name Jasper!!!) Anyway, you can go to . The only problem is that it's about $3,000 and up to get it done. :(

EDIT: I'm VERY sorry for your loss. I'm sure Jasper was the best rat you could have ever asked for! :(|||Uhm, is jasper already dead?

If so, call the company and ask if they'd be willing to, and what the price would be.

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